Drives to Nowhere (and Back)

Club members assembling recently for a Sunday drive around. The LBC’s are allowed to mingle, but their owners can be seen following social distancing and masking recommendations.

Suffice it to say, a significant percentage of the club membership qualify for Senior Citizen discounts at local establishments. As a consequence, when the stay-at-home guidance for the Coronavirus was issued mid-March, all club activities were wisely cancelled as a safety precaution. But, while self-isolation offers endless opportunities for perusing online sources for car parts, cleaning out the garage and Zooming family members, the walls at home eventually start to close in. 

Adding to the sense of restlessness, this is usually one of the best times of the year for top down drives around the local byways. While only the medical profession can deal with the COVID-19 crisis, SBCC President Jim Wilson has stepped forward with a remedy for the symptoms of Cabin Fever by re-instituting his popular weekend drives, albeit minus a dining destination at this time. There have been three drives since mid-March, with a dozen to 20 cars participating in each.

All drives start from one of our usual jumping off points and then briskly cover 60-70 miles on a tour over back roads through the Florida interior, returning to the starting point.

Thanks to Joe Malaney and Bruce Skaggs for input to this report.

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